Downsizing and moving from Fairhope to Auburn, this client decided “no stairs” and a hard line of 1800 sf MAX. The two car garage is behind the house, and the residence flows back to front for the owner, while guests enter in the front. The site is on a cul de sac, with the front corner of the property being clipped by the circular setbacks of road. Not a problem for the concrete strip drive, but the front porch was also severly affected by the curved no-build area. The solution was a clever one. Trim the pavers to obey the setback, but continue porch roof beyond and into the setback. How to support the outside corner of the roof? A simple, elegant large bracket, of course. This house has been a neighborhood favorite, the client has had 3 offers to buy it. But right now, they are staying put.
800 sf with correct proportions
Point Wash is growing
Eight thousand square feet. All new construction for a main branch bank in Columbus Georgia.
Burger King is definitely king in Columbus, Georgia, which the franchise owners of most of the restaurants in Georgia and headquartered in Columbus, It was time for a downtown jewel to fit appropriately in the town grid and tell the success story of starting small and smart and growing big and bigger. The owner’s favorite building was “Sho Place”, a hometown art deco corner lot building in mid town. The challenge was to make five thousand square feet look like that four hundred square foot retail shop. As Architect of Record on the project, the design translation was copy the right things…. the center curved entry, the bookend sides. A two-story fast food restaurant was impractical, but the urban fabric needed height to continue the edges (and lack of edges) along Veteran’s Parkway.
Higher-end materials, black granite panels and copper roofing, show the fast food building was firmly built and here to stay. The flanking tower masses that receive the curved facade also form the building’s direction to the urban corner.
Just a few(!) sketches and drawings while working for other firms…